Bd. 35 Nr. 4 (2007): 4|2007

This special edition of the German Journal "Geographie und Ihre Didaktik" contains selected contributions of the Vth International Geoscience Education Conference (GeoSciEd V). They cover important aspects of geoscience education research. The conference took place from september 18 – 21, 2006 in Bayreuth on behalf of the Leibniz Institute for Science Education (IPN), Kiel, the Geo-Centrum at the German Deep Drilling site KTB, Windischeschenbach, and the University of Bayreuth. The conference program comprised the major dimensions of Earth science education. A great many contributions followed an interdisciplinary approach integrating geographical and geological aspects as well as biological, chemical and physical ones. This is in accord with the educational aims set by the German geoscience associations. It also corresponds with the educational approach of the IPN project "System Earth", which marks a milestone of the quality improvement of geoscience education in Germany.